۞ भगवान् को छोड कर और कहीं दिल लगाया तो अंत में पछताना पडेगा ! ۞

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Lakshmi" The Goddess Of Money

The Lord Lakshmi:- we belive that lakshmi is the only one who control our financial  status !

But for money some people pray to goddess to fullfill  their  all money needs  ! is it possibe?? yes if you have pure heart and no greediness!

Note:- For making money dont pray to Lord lakshmi, we all do same mistake while making the lord goddess awake (call Vishnu )

He is Hubby of lord lakshmi so when he came to your house probably  lakshmi will also come with him!!


Chant this mantra daily more than 108 and you will be recover from your financial status in just few weeks
Om namo bhgwate wasudevay namh :

Monday, September 20, 2010


Blessings_ In India touching feet with kind heart is a symbol of pure divition toward the Parents,teachers and so on..

Why you should Have this Blessings???

1.They help your inner soul to control your mind and body in right direaction

2.This give us a power to fight froma black spirit or thoughts

3.Blessing is Related to god

4.When someone bless you her\his even dogs and other animals also give you such blessings that will help you to recover you in your bed times!

Caution:- Every human is a Word of Lord! so love every one dont mind what he is doing to you! just make your Karma Pure!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

ओम नम: शिवाय:

 ओम_ नम: शिवाय:

Question - Why WE Call God  As GOD?  why dont we put any other name?? Less words or grammer problem? God is combination of all creatures of lives...it have its own importance , every thing that god have created is unique, like some says man's origin is monkey  totally wrong man came on earth as it is now days, some says early man was his orignator! ok so tell me why dont men change to his current possition?every thing that made by nature is best it dont need upgradation! Every thing is placed in such a manner that it dont need any improvment,Man made things like Computer and motercycle  They  need Upgradtion in every Month!

Imagin :- If your eyes placed in your feet then How will you see?

2.If you dont have your Hands

3.You are unable to Comunicate to each other

More you Can Imagin.......Think Again!!!

Lets see  Why We Call god =  GOD?????????




Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The great mantra dedicated to Shiva as Mrityunjaya is found in the Rig Veda.

Those who have Short Life line Or a break on it . They may chat this mantra Daily more than 108 time, and The Lord Shiva Make your accidental Death Burred in its on catacomb

The great mantra dedicated to Shiva as Mrityunjaya is found in the Rig Veda. It is called the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, the Great Death-Conquering mantra. It is a mantra that has many names and forms. It is called the Rudra mantra, referring to the furious aspect of Shiva; the Tryambakam mantra, alluding to Shiva's three eyes; and its is sometimes known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because it is a component of the "life-restoring" practice given to the primordial sage Shukra after he had completed an exhausting period of austerity. The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is hailed by the sages as the heart of the Veda. Along with the Gayatri mantra it holds the highest place among the many mantras used for contemplation and meditation

Monday, September 6, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Total Recall

Total Recall........

We are  human and dont have the power to know about the other person...

1.Why dont you feel wat the other person is thinking?
2.Why dont you feel  his\her   Pain?

You are totally recalled ..everything you are doing is already  done by you in past

This world Is full of    "MAYA"((ILLUSION))

Some time when you are feeling lonely then something came in your mind  like      (somebody coming inside your house,not just this any thing may realise you where you were in the past! )              

You have seen this dream with your open eyes,  But your unable to recall it in just few minutes what is all going to happen to you!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


On the occasion of Janamastami What you can do???

 What you can do Young boys on that day is...

1.You can impress any girl

2.Find your soul mate  and much moree


1.Go to krishana mandir(temple)

2.Dont sleep till 12:00 pm

3. Bring with you a Bansuri(flute) And place it near the feet or Krishana

4.All the time just ask him\her you one wish just one wish !

5.At the end take ur Bansuri and place it any suitable place you like

Note:- in just 2 Days your wish will come true! (make  gf  recommend)